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Stepping Motor Driver (24-70 volts DC, up to 5.6 amps, microstepping from 1/2 to 1/125)

If you need a stepper motor driver for larger stepper motors that require high current, this driver can allow current draws up to 5.6 amps. Use this stepper motor driver for NEMA 34 and NEMA 43 stepper motors.


This is a new driver that we are using to drive the NEMA 34 and NEMA 43 Stepper motors. There is a maximum of 5.6 amps and a minimum of 1.4 amps that a motor can draw from this driver. Microstepping can be adjusted between 400 (1/2 microstepping) up to 25000 (1/125 microstepping)

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  • [Motor Driver (24-70 volts DC, up to 5.6 amps, microstepping from 1/2 to 1/125)] What should be the wire connection

    The wire connection to this driver will depend on What you are connecting to the driver.
    - For the motor connection to the driver, use the motor's datasheet for the connection schema. If the motor has 8 wires, apply the bipolar parallel connection schema.
    - For the power supply to the driver, use a DC power supply that does not exceed the rated voltage displayed on the front of the driver. 48VDC or 36VDC is recommended for this driver.
    - For the digital connections from the Mach3 USB controller to the driver, the PUL- and DIR- should connect to the gnd terminal on the controller. The XD (the X-axis is used in the example) should be connected to DIR+ and XP should be connected to PUL+ For the Pokeys57CNC, the step pin connects to PUL-, the DIR pin connects to the DIR- and the 5v connects to the DIR+ and PUL+.

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    [57] What should be the wire connection

  • [Motor Driver (24-70 volts DC, up to 5.6 amps, microstepping from 1/2 to 1/125)] wiring 8 wire nema 34 to this driver

    This will depend on the part number of the stepper motor. Can you add the part number to this question in the "additional information" section of this answer?

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [57] wiring 8 wire nema 34 to this driver

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