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Question #: 14525

Question: When I run a file with a lot of z movements, the Z seems to get lower

Current Solution

Sounds like it is stalling as the z is trying to move up. I would first try putting 3-in-1 oil on the screw and run the z up and down a lot as fast as possible so you can confirm the z is capable again. It could also be the shaft or the lead screw slipping in the coupling. Finally, check the wiring where there may be zip ties or other places where the wires are fastened and look for chafing. This can cause intermittent shorts in the wires.


Other Possible Solutions to this Question

  • [575] Although i have licensed mach, when i use that particular board it seems to run only 500 lines of code, how can i fix that? i

    You should not have a problem with using this controller and having more than 500 lines of GCode. The 500-lines limitation is specific to licensing. Make sure that the Mach3 that you are using does not show "Demo" at the top of the screen. You can also confirm this in the help->about. If you are using a license that was purchased through this website, or from Machsupport.com, you should be fine.

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    i have a licence but mach 3 not work above the 500 lines

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    [575] Although i have licensed mach, when i use that particular board it seems to run only 500 lines of code, how can i fix that? i

  • Can I get a replacement computer only ? I have a blacktoe with parallel port and it seems to have stopped working.

    Sure. If you had your own computer to start with and now need a replacement for it, consider our redSprout and redLeaf systems. You can find information about them here: https://buildyourcnc.com/AssembledElectronics.aspx If you started with one of our assembled systems, and only need to replace certain components, contact our sales department at sales@buildyourcnc.com for a quote.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Can I get a replacement computer only ? I have a blacktoe with parallel port and it seems to have stopped working.

  • [575] How do I get the USB Driver to work with Mach3 Version 1.84

    What problems are you experiencing?

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    Are you able to install a newer version of Mach3? If you are worried that your configuration will be lost, you can save the configuration by copying all of the XML files from the Mach folder. The XML files contain all of the settings that you applied in Mach3. Just in case the XML files are not compatible with the new version, make sure not to erase the current Mach3 that you have on the machine.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [575] How do I get the USB Driver to work with Mach3 Version 1.84

  • I have a greenbull 5x with the long Z. Is there a laser kit that I can get for that model?

    Yes, we can provide a laser attachment for the long Z version of the greenBull 4x, 5x and 6x. Please call us to get more information and pricing for the laser attachment.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have a greenbull 5x with the long Z. Is there a laser kit that I can get for that model?

  • i would like to turn on my water pump with out3 or 4 when i turn on the spindle. I have Mach3 working with the spindle on out1and 2. I have a relay wiredbut cant get out3 to flip.

    Take a look at these two videos that I created today on Instagram on the proper wiring of a relay to the Mach3 USB controller.


    Don't forget to watch the initial video on the Mach3 USB outputs on the Mach3 USB product page (last video on that page):

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    i would like to turn on my water pump with out3 or 4 when i turn on the spindle. I have Mach3 working with the spindle on out1and 2. I have a relay wiredbut cant get out3 to flip.

  • How do you remove the collet on the 2.2 kW spindle? It seems to be a part of the retaining nut.

    You'll need to twist and pull the collet while also canting it side to side until it comes free from the nut. It is not actually attached to the nut it just takes some jiggling to separate the two.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    How do you remove the collet on the 2.2 kW spindle? It seems to be a part of the retaining nut.

  • I have a planetcnc USB controller to run my project and when I start the 240v router the USB connection shuts down.

    The USB controller will only work with the Planet-CNC software. This software is well made and will provide great functionality. The planet-cnc software delivers instructions to the microcontroller on the board and the microcontroller will send out the pulse trains needed to move the machine correctly.

    There are two main alternatives if you want to use the mach3 software:
    First, get a parallel port card and add it to your computer and get a parallel breakout board. If you have a laptop/notebook computer, this will not be possible.
    Second, if you have a laptop, or really want to use the USB as the main interface for controlling the machine, you will need to get the smoothstepper board which works with mach3. The price combination is much higher than the USB controller with planet-cnc, but will work with Mach3.

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    The planet cnc controller can be prone to electrical interference and has been known to cause such problems. In the first instance try to use a quality double sheilded USB cable, hopefully this will fix your problem. Alternatively you may need to sheild your limit switch, estop and or motor cabling. My pick is that a quality USB cable will fix it though, worked for me.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have a planetcnc USB controller to run my project and when I start the 240v router the USB connection shuts down.

  • I have a planetcnc USB controller to run my project and when I start the 240v router the USB connection shuts down.

    The USB controller will only work with the Planet-CNC software. This software is well made and will provide great functionality. The planet-cnc software delivers instructions to the microcontroller on the board and the microcontroller will send out the pulse trains needed to move the machine correctly.

    There are two main alternatives if you want to use the mach3 software:
    First, get a parallel port card and add it to your computer and get a parallel breakout board. If you have a laptop/notebook computer, this will not be possible.
    Second, if you have a laptop, or really want to use the USB as the main interface for controlling the machine, you will need to get the smoothstepper board which works with mach3. The price combination is much higher than the USB controller with planet-cnc, but will work with Mach3.

    Additional Information:

    Additional Information:

    Additional Information:
    The planet cnc controller can be prone to electrical interference and has been known to cause such problems. In the first instance try to use a quality double sheilded USB cable, hopefully this will fix your problem. Alternatively you may need to sheild your limit switch, estop and or motor cabling. My pick is that a quality USB cable will fix it though, worked for me.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have a planetcnc USB controller to run my project and when I start the 240v router the USB connection shuts down.

  • Is there a way to change the direction of a motor with the motor to driver wiring?

    You can change the direction of a stepper motor's rotation by swapping the A and B coils where the stepper motor is connected to the stepper driver. This may not work with every stepper motor and driver combination.

    To do this:
    - Turn off all power to the stepper drivers. If this is not done, you will damage the stepper driver.
    - Wait at least 1 minute for the power to dissipate from the drivers and power supply.
    - Once power is off, remove the wires from the A+ and A- and insert these wires into the B+ and B- respectively. Then insert the wires that were in the B+ and B- into the A+ and A- respectively.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Is there a way to change the direction of a motor with the motor to driver wiring?

  • why do I get the message "RnRMotion.dill was blocked because this type of file can harm your device"?

    Rnrmotion.dll is a dynamic link library that is very similar in function to an executable program, or app. Since a dll is executable, malicious code can be embedded in that type of file, so windows will automatically flag all files of this type. You just need to make sure you are downloading from a trusted source. The emotion.dll file on our site is clean, but still, run windows defender against it to make sure.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    why do I get the message "RnRMotion.dill was blocked because this type of file can harm your device"?


    If you select the Settings Page and select or tick Auto Limit Override - this will allow you to back off the switch.

    Additional Information:
    limit and home switch

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  • When begin the development of the most voted project? I am eager to see the fifth axis

    The 5th Axis is a pretty challenging design, but not impossible. I will post information on my progress from time to time. Please check back to the R&D section periodically.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    When begin the development of the most voted project? I am eager to see the fifth axis

  • I get a "communicating unsuccessful" when using LaserCAD and the AWC608 Laser controller

    If you are getting the "Communicating Unsuccessful!" error when you are trying to communicate between LaserCAD and the AWC608 Laser Cutter and Engraver controller (after you have already tried installing the USB driver from the LaserCAD setup procedure), these are the steps you will need for a successful communication:

    - Open the Device Manager window (right click on the start menu and select Device Manager)
    - When you plug the USB cable from the AWC608 Laser Cutter Controller (USB Type B connector) to the computer, you should see a new item in the Device Manager, possibly under "Ports (COM & LPT)", or under "Other Devices". It may show as an item under "Other Devices", possibly FT245R and has an "!" in a yellow triangle.
    - Download the latest FTDI drivers from: http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX.htm
    - Unzip the files to a folder that can be easily browsed.
    - Right click on the item that appeared in the Device Manager when the cable was plugged in between the Laser Cutter AWC608 controller and the computer.
    - Click on update driver
    - Select the procedure to manually install the driver and browse to the folder containing the FTDI driver and follow the step in the driver installation wizard.
    - The item should now be located under the "Ports (COM & LPT)" and should be named "USB Serial Device (COM#)". The # will be the number you will use in the LaserCAD software.
    - In the LaserCAD software, click the "Select Mode" at the far top right of the Laser CAD user interface.
    - Make sure USB mode is selected.
    - If the Machine name with the correct COM number is listed, select it and exit the dialog window. Otherwise, click on "Add" and fill in the details with the new COM number.

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    Additional Information:
    Communicating unsuccessful

    Additional Information:
    Communicating unsuccessful

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    I get a "communicating unsuccessful" when using LaserCAD and the AWC608 Laser controller

  • with a work area of 24"x20"on your Blacktooth lazer,How do I get a 4'x8' sheet down to that workable size?

    To allow a 4'x8' stock to be used by a blackTooth laser system, you will need to cut the large sheet with a standard woodworking tool such as a hand saw, circular saw, table saw, jig saw, etc. Alternatively, you can purchase our very affordable 4'x8' vertical laser systems that allows a 4'x8' sheet stock.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    with a work area of 24"x20"on your Blacktooth lazer,How do I get a 4'x8' sheet down to that workable size?

  • Hello! How fast could I get a VLXL? Looking to get it by the end of the month. In WV. Ben

    If you purchase the Vertical Laser XL in kit form, then we would be able to deliver it within 2 weeks. If you want the Vertical Laser XL to be assembled, we would need a minimum of 1 month.

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    What is the shipping cost to rural WV? Mannington, WV.

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    Hello! How fast could I get a VLXL? Looking to get it by the end of the month. In WV. Ben

  • [659] When clicking the manual link, it wont let me switch to the American version. How do I get that link?

    If you are referring to the polabs website that presents in another language, on that site, there is a button on the top right that says "options" with a down arrow. Click that and click turn off translation.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [659] When clicking the manual link, it wont let me switch to the American version. How do I get that link?

  • How do I program the 2.2kw VFD to jog with a Digital Input

    It is possible to connect and configure the spindle VFD to the mach3 via an RS485 communication and protocol.

    The first thing you will need is the dynamic link library to pair with mach3 called the Huanyang VFD Mach3 PlugIn. You can find this file at the mach3 support forum here: http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,14182.0.html

    You will also need to download the Microsoft .net 3.5 framework and install it: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21

    Follow the pdf that comes with the library file, but here is a synopsis of what you need to do (I also added a lot more information that may be useful during this process as the manual does not cover the main connections that need to be done):

    You will need to program your VFD so that it knows how to communicate with mach3 and the computer (go into the programming mode of the VFD and change these parameters):
    - PD001 - value 2 - Enables with communication aspect of the VFD
    - PD002 - value 2 - Enables frequency control from the communcations port
    - PD163 - value 1 - VFD address
    - PD164 - value 1 - Baud rate of 9600 (speed of the communication)
    - PD165 - value 3 - 8N1 RTU - 8 bits (that's the size of the word that gets communicated), N (No parity or no error checking) and 1 (1 stop bit)

    Copy the dll file to the PlugIns folder of mach3.

    Connect the RX and TX lines to your computer. There are a couple ways you can do this, but the recommended way would be to use an FTDI USB device which converts a USB to a serial com port. The device will have Rx and Tx connectors to connect to the VFD terminals with the same labels. This method is recommended since serial ports are not as common in computers these days.

    Next, you will need to configure mach3 to use the plugin library. Start mach3 and click on Menu -> config ->Config Plugins. Enable the new plugin by clicking on the red cross on the left column next to the plug in. Restart mach3 after doing this.

    No you need to configure mach3 to use the HuanyangVFD plugin. Go to the ports & pins configuration and select the spindle setup tab. Make sure that the Disable Spindle Relays checkbox is unchecked. We don't want mach3 to output a signal for a relay since the spindle will start up and turn off within the VFD and not from an external relay.

    Next, go to the HuanyangVFD settings by clicking on Menu -> plugin control -> HuanyangVFD. Set the parameters to the same settings you put into the VFD programming. The com port will be shown as new hardward when you plug in the USB FTDI device. A little bubble will be displayed at the bottom right where it will notify you that a new device is being installed (be patient while windows assigns a com port). Alternatively, you can use the windows device manager to see which port was set for the new USB FTDI device). You may need to restart mach3 several times until you get the correct information displayed in the PD001 and PD002 fields. When the com port is correct and the other parameters, like baud and VFD address is the same as you entered in the programming, then the PD001 and PD002 will show the number 2, otherwise, a 99 will appear which means that communication was not successful.

    You can now control the on/off and RPM of the spindle using the RS485 communication between mach3 and the VFD.

    Additional Information:
    This looks easy enough, however, the VFD that came with my spindle is made by Huajiang, not a Huanyang. The parameter codes are different and do not line up with the ones offered in this response.

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    How do I program the 2.2kw VFD to jog with a Digital Input

  • When I start my spindle I get a emergency stop in Mach 3. I have run shielded cable and it is grounded at the VFD it is wired per you site instructions. any idea what to check

    You will definitely want to adjust your debounce setting in mach3 if your emergency or limit switch is engaging.

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    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

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    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

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    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

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    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

    Additional Information:
    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

    Additional Information:
    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

    Additional Information:
    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

    Additional Information:
    Did you ever fix this issue? I am having the same problem.

    Additional Information:
    Did you try changing the denounce setting?

    Additional Information:
    Meant to say denounce.

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    When I start my spindle I get a emergency stop in Mach 3. I have run shielded cable and it is grounded at the VFD it is wired per you site instructions. any idea what to check

  • Hi, I'm interested in the 1.5 kW (kilowatt) Water Cooled Spindle with Inverter (VFD), I would like to know about the run out of this spindle?

    Our spindles have a runout of less than .0001 in, which includes that collets that we sell. If you use a collet from another manufacturer, we cannot guarantee this TIR (Total Indicated Runout) dimension.

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    Hi, I'm interested in the 1.5 kW (kilowatt) Water Cooled Spindle with Inverter (VFD), I would like to know about the run out of this spindle?

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