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Question #: 13457

Question: how long should I expect a team of 2 to assemble and get it running?

Current Solution

You will need to build the table unit for your machine. There are instructions on how to do this at the bottom of the product page here, https://www.buildyourcnc.com/Item/cnc-machine-blackFoot-v4
There is no estimate on how much this will cost though, since there are too many variables involved to do this.

- PC with parallel port and USB port
- 20awg stranded wires for the motors - http://www.buildyourcnc.com/electronicscombo.aspx
- 18awg stranded wires for power supply to drivers
- 24awg stranded wires for breakout board to drivers
(location and spacing of components varies from one person to another, so we do not provide cables/wires)
- General purpose extension cord (cut the female end off) to provide power to power supply
- USB cable to power breakout board
- Parallel cable to communicate to breakout board
- Router
- (optional - instead of router) Spindle with power inverter http://www.buildyourcnc.com/SpindlesAndAccessories.aspx
- (if purchasing spindle with inverter) General purpose extension cord (240v) (cut the female end off) to provide power to power inverter
- End Mill(s) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/ProductsEndMills.aspx
- CAD, and/or CAD-CAM software (to produce geometry, machine operations, and g-code) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/CNCsoftware.aspx
- CNC control software (to read g-code and control machine) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/CNCsoftware.aspx

This answer is applicable to most of our machines with the exception of the greenLean and the blueChick since those machines are equipped with a table structure.

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Other Possible Solutions to this Question

  • Hello. I purchased a Mach 3 Pro License and have not received it yet. How long should it take to send me the access code ?

    I will check

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    The license was purchased and the developer is sending you the license shortly.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Hello. I purchased a Mach 3 Pro License and have not received it yet. How long should it take to send me the access code ?


    You will need to build the table unit for your machine. There are instructions on how to do this at the bottom of the product page here, https://www.buildyourcnc.com/Item/cnc-machine-blackFoot-v4
    There is no estimate on how much this will cost though, since there are too many variables involved to do this.

    - PC with parallel port and USB port
    - 20awg stranded wires for the motors - http://www.buildyourcnc.com/electronicscombo.aspx
    - 18awg stranded wires for power supply to drivers
    - 24awg stranded wires for breakout board to drivers
    (location and spacing of components varies from one person to another, so we do not provide cables/wires)
    - General purpose extension cord (cut the female end off) to provide power to power supply
    - USB cable to power breakout board
    - Parallel cable to communicate to breakout board
    - Router
    - (optional - instead of router) Spindle with power inverter http://www.buildyourcnc.com/SpindlesAndAccessories.aspx
    - (if purchasing spindle with inverter) General purpose extension cord (240v) (cut the female end off) to provide power to power inverter
    - End Mill(s) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/ProductsEndMills.aspx
    - CAD, and/or CAD-CAM software (to produce geometry, machine operations, and g-code) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/CNCsoftware.aspx
    - CNC control software (to read g-code and control machine) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/CNCsoftware.aspx

    This answer is applicable to most of our machines with the exception of the greenLean and the blueChick since those machines are equipped with a table structure.

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  • Are the linear slide bearings good quality? Should I expect all 30 to be equal in quality and use them to produce a very accurate CNC machine?

    Which linear slide bearings are you referring?

    The ones that come in the pack of 24 or 30

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    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Are the linear slide bearings good quality? Should I expect all 30 to be equal in quality and use them to produce a very accurate CNC machine?

  • If I purchase a greenBull 6X Long Z CNC Machine Kit and Mach3, what else would be required to assemble the working machine? I have CAD software.

    You will need to build the table unit for your machine. There are instructions on how to do this at the bottom of the product page here, https://www.buildyourcnc.com/Item/cnc-machine-blackFoot-v4
    There is no estimate on how much this will cost though, since there are too many variables involved to do this.

    - PC with parallel port and USB port
    - 20awg stranded wires for the motors - http://www.buildyourcnc.com/electronicscombo.aspx
    - 18awg stranded wires for power supply to drivers
    - 24awg stranded wires for breakout board to drivers
    (location and spacing of components varies from one person to another, so we do not provide cables/wires)
    - General purpose extension cord (cut the female end off) to provide power to power supply
    - USB cable to power breakout board
    - Parallel cable to communicate to breakout board
    - Router
    - (optional - instead of router) Spindle with power inverter http://www.buildyourcnc.com/SpindlesAndAccessories.aspx
    - (if purchasing spindle with inverter) General purpose extension cord (240v) (cut the female end off) to provide power to power inverter
    - End Mill(s) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/ProductsEndMills.aspx
    - CAD, and/or CAD-CAM software (to produce geometry, machine operations, and g-code) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/CNCsoftware.aspx
    - CNC control software (to read g-code and control machine) http://www.buildyourcnc.com/CNCsoftware.aspx

    This answer is applicable to most of our machines with the exception of the greenLean and the blueChick since those machines are equipped with a table structure.

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    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    If I purchase a greenBull 6X Long Z CNC Machine Kit and Mach3, what else would be required to assemble the working machine? I have CAD software.

  • For tuning the motors in mach 3 should I be running a gcode or is keyboard jogging enough to determine the stall rates

    It seems to be getting some kind of interference or a short within the wiring or communication, try jogging the motors in the software without anything wired to the board. Then add one motor at a time to see if there is a short within your wiring or a faulty driver/motor.
    If the USB breakout board continues to move the x-axis with no motors or driver wired to it, please email customerservice@buildyourcnc.com for a replacement or further troubleshooting.

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    For tuning the motors in mach 3 should I be running a gcode or is keyboard jogging enough to determine the stall rates

  • For tuning the motors in mach 3 should I be running a gcode or is keyboard jogging enough to determine the stall rates

    Keyboard jogging will give you a good start at motor tuning since going from a stop to rapid travel speed is the quickest the machine will be required to accelerate. However, best practice is to also run test files and actually cut the type of materials you expect to deal with to test machine performance under load and make any fine adjustments needed for maximum performance.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    For tuning the motors in mach 3 should I be running a gcode or is keyboard jogging enough to determine the stall rates

  • What type of cable and gauge should I use from the vfd to the wall outlet?

    I would recommend using 14/3 power cable for the connection from the wall outlet to the VFD. The 14 is the gauge and the 3 is the number of conductors (wires) in the cable.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    What type of cable and gauge should I use from the vfd to the wall outlet?

  • How should I control a plasma torch, spindle and a laser on my CNC machine?

    It will depend on how you configure the machine to use the Laser and plasma. Is the laser on a separate gantry? That will determine the way you will connect the laser control system or if you use a typical CNC controller. The plasma will need inputs of THC on, THC up, THC down and outputs to trigger the plasma torch. I recommend the Pokeys57CNC for the plasma and you can also fire the laser with it, but you will not be able to do engraving with the laser unless you use a laser controller. If you use a laser controller, you will need to either build circuitry to switch the digital signals from which controller you will be using, or if you have the laser on a separate gantry, you can use a traditional laser controller connected to the stepper motor drivers on that gantry.

    Users response:
    I was planing on using same gantry, and installing plasma and laser module on z axis along the side with current router. Perhaps if it’s needed installing another z axis on current z axis. So that when I use plasma, router z will be homed and plasma z axis will be able to utilize thc.

    When you say “If you use a laser controller, you will need to either build circuitry to switch the digital signals from which controller you will be using,”
    If i install laser controller, pokeys and router motion card, do you mean all ( axis and router/laser/plasma) signals or just the one that controls router/laser/plasma?
    I was wondering if I could jump (parallel connect) axis signals from card to card without ?
    Also do you prefer ethernet card or usb?
    I really do appreciate your help :) thanx again.

    Buildyourcnc response:
    Not a problem at all.

    Remember that with all of that weight on the z-axis, you will not be able to do efficient raster style engraving.

    By putting the laser on another gantry, say at the far end of the table, then you would be able to use a laser controller that controls its own stepper motors and the nozzle can have fast swing motion for engraving. With the laser on the z-axis of the spindle (like see on the greenBull), you will only be able to do vector motions for the laser.

    You can also have a CNC interface and laser controller controlling the same stepper motor drivers, but you will need a few tri-state buffer chips where you can use a toggle switch for which controller has control of the drivers.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    How should I control a plasma torch, spindle and a laser on my CNC machine?

  • I am running 2 pokeys 57 devices on mach3, and apparently the e-sops are conflicting. Is ther a way to disable one or get them to work together?

    I am posing this question to the PoLabs folks. I will provide a respons when they get back to me. Thanks for the patience.

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    Polabs response: The E-stop MUST be connected to the device that is used as the motion device.

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    Here is more elaboration from PoLabs and a question regarding the need for multiple devices:
    Although the PoKeys plugin for Mach3 supports multiple PoKeys devices, only one device can be a motion controller. Since, PoKeys57CNC is always configured as motion controller by the plugin, there shouldn't be more than 1 PoKeys57CNC used by the plugin at a time.
    May I ask you about the application and why there is a need for multiple PoKeys57CNC devices?

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I am running 2 pokeys 57 devices on mach3, and apparently the e-sops are conflicting. Is ther a way to disable one or get them to work together?

  • From the BOB how can I reverse one of my steppers - i'm running 2 on my Y Axis

    When trying to use two motors on a single axis, there is a multitude of methods to get them to work together.
    First: There should always be a slave option in the CNC control software(mach 3/ planet-cnc/emc2/etc.), this will be the easiest way to make the dual motor configuration work. However some adjusting might be necessary due to the orientation of the motor when mounting it on the opposite side of the CNC machine.(Mach3/config/slaveaxis, planet-cnc/file/settings/axes).

    Secondly: Dealing with our interface boards(maybe third-party as well), you can have two drivers going to the same axis on the interface board. Which then will have one motor per driver, this will use the same motion and control from the (ex.) x-axis to driver two motors. However some adjusting might be necessary due to the orientation of the motor when mounting it on the opposite side of the CNC machine.

    Adjusting of the driver or motor wires, can be done separate from the control software with the use of a hex inverter, that can be used and to switch the signal (ex. takes a low signal and brings it high, and takes a high signal and brings it low) of one of the motors, to run the same as the other motor.
    There is also another method of inverting the orientation of the motors movement without the use of a hex inverter. This method you will have to wire the coil's of the motors oppositely of what is recommended for one of the motors. Example, you will wire our Nema 24 as follows(recommended): A+ - red/blue, A- - yellow/black, B+ - white/brown, B- - green/orange. However to run another motor with with it you will have to switch the A/B connections to: A+ - white/brown, A- - green/orange, B+ - red/blue, B- - yellow/black.

    These method's are usually needed/used when trying to control two motors and setting it up without the help of the CNC control software, and also due to the mounting orientation of the second motor, the inverting the direction of motion will be necessary so they work together instead of working against each other.

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    From the BOB how can I reverse one of my steppers - i'm running 2 on my Y Axis

  • [575] I cant get a 5v signal on any of the Outputs on the board. what Port# and Pin #s should I be using on Mach3?

    The Mach3 USB controller does not provide 5V output signals. The Inputs, Outputs, and PWM Spindle Speed terminals are separated from the 5V side of the board. The output terminals use the 24V portion of the controller and you will need a 24V power supply to make these outputs work.

    Please watch the video below to completely understand how the outputs of this controller work. Make sure that you are using the RNRmotion.dll plugin and that the port for each of the outputs is set to port 3.

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    [575] I cant get a 5v signal on any of the Outputs on the board. what Port# and Pin #s should I be using on Mach3?

  • Hello, I purchased a cnc kit 3 days ago and I would like to know how long does it take to prepare a shipment? thanks

    CNC kits normally take 5-7 business days but during busy periods this can increase.

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    Hello, I purchased a cnc kit 3 days ago and I would like to know how long does it take to prepare a shipment? thanks

  • Hello! How fast could I get a VLXL? Looking to get it by the end of the month. In WV. Ben

    If you purchase the Vertical Laser XL in kit form, then we would be able to deliver it within 2 weeks. If you want the Vertical Laser XL to be assembled, we would need a minimum of 1 month.

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    What is the shipping cost to rural WV? Mannington, WV.

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    Hello! How fast could I get a VLXL? Looking to get it by the end of the month. In WV. Ben

  • What kind of wire should I use between the invertor and the spindle?

    The type of wire that should be used between the spindle and the VFD (Variable Frequency Driver also called the inverter) should be of stranded type and we use between 18 and 16 AWG.

    The total current is divided among the three coil wires, therefor a wire gauge of 16 should be sufficient.

    Currently we use 20AWG 4 conductor.

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    What kind of wire should I use between the invertor and the spindle?

  • Should I connect both the USB and the 25 pin connector of the parallel breakout board to the computer?

    The parallel breakout board has the db25 connector for data and the USB connector for power. Connect the USB from the computer to the parallel breakout board so the breakout board will have 5V of power coming from the computer. The db25 connector (connector with the 25 pins) receive data signals for each pin from 1 to 17 and have respective numbered screw terminals, some for input and some for output (18 to 25 are gnd pins).

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Should I connect both the USB and the 25 pin connector of the parallel breakout board to the computer?


    The motor cables for the blackToe are as follows:

    Total 30 feet

    X - 9
    Y - 10
    Z - 11

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  • How should I connect the limit switches to my laser controller?

    If you are using the AWC708 or equivalent laser controller, the limit switches will connect between the EL input terminal and the GND terminal in normally open (NO) connection. Most limit switches can be connected as NO, or normally closed (NC).

    For instance, a limit switch for the X- limit will be connected from the ELX- terminal to the NO connection of the limit switch, then a connection from the GND terminal on the laser controller to the COM connection to the same limit switch.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    How should I connect the limit switches to my laser controller?

  • How should I wire the 2.2kw spindle and vfd?

    You can find the wiring diagram for the 2.2kW spindle and, follow through instructions here.

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    wiring diagram at spindle top

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    Can you please provide settings for a 110v 2.2 spindle vfd

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    Can you please provide settings for a 110v 2.2 spindle vfd

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    How should I wire the 2.2kw spindle and vfd?

  • how long is the build time for a black toe 2x4 roller chain router and shipping time to ny?

    All of our machines are a week lead time, other than the greenLean which is 2 weeks. Depending where your current location is,shipping will take anywhere from 1 week in the US, 1-5 weeks over seas.

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    how long is the build time for a black toe 2x4 roller chain router and shipping time to ny?

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