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Question #: 4732

Question: What is the usb port for on the 5 Axis Breakout Board with Relay ($28.50)?

Current Solution

The USB port located on the parallel 5 axis breakout board is for powering the board. There is no communications related to this port.


Other Possible Solutions to this Question

  • Breakout Board with Relay. What is the USB connection on this board for? Does this board Still require a 5v power supply?

    We generally use the USB to power the interface (breakout board). The current from the computer is sufficient to supply the breakout board.

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    Breakout Board with Relay. What is the USB connection on this board for? Does this board Still require a 5v power supply?

  • Do the 5 Axis Breakout Board with Relay requires software to setup

    The breakout board does not require software to run, specifically. The breakout board serves only as a signal conditioner where the input signal from the computer is output at the corresponding terminal, or the terminal receives a signal and is conditioned and sent to the parallel connector to be read by the computer. As long as the software can communicate to the parallel port of the computer, then the breakout board will function.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Do the 5 Axis Breakout Board with Relay requires software to setup

  • can I control the speed of a 2.2 spindle through your 5 axis breakout board with relay?

    Yes, you can control the speed of the 2.2 kW spindle, and the other spindles we sell, through Mach3 software. It requires making some changes to the settings in Mach3 and in your inverter. It also requires an additional part, which is called a USB to Serial Converter, found on our site here:


    I have some additional instructions, that I will send upon request, by email. I will also be adding a complete tutorial and video, to the website, on how to do this soon.

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    can I control the speed of a 2.2 spindle through your 5 axis breakout board with relay?

  • I have propably blown my C10 breakout board. This is no longer available in your parts list. Is the 5 Axis Breakout Board with Relay a suitable replacement?

    Yes, the 5 axis breakout board is a very suitable replacement and also contains a relay for spindle/router control which is not on the C10 board.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have propably blown my C10 breakout board. This is no longer available in your parts list. Is the 5 Axis Breakout Board with Relay a suitable replacement?

  • can't get breakout board with relay working. in your video you show a 5v power supply input on the usb one but can't not find on this one?

    What part of your breakout board is not working? Are you having trouble getting a signal from the computer out of the breakout board to the drivers?

    The breakout board uses the USB as the 5v power source.

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    Wiring the limit switches

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    I am using my breakout board as port 2 from my ess smooth stepper only for limits so it's powered via 12v , now I want to use pin 17 to trigger my plasma will I still need to supply 5v power to is a well? As I'm not using the usb it's connected to smooth stepper via 25pin ribbin

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    can't get breakout board with relay working. in your video you show a 5v power supply input on the usb one but can't not find on this one?

  • Are the 3 axis electronics combos with the Mach 3 USB breakout board compatible with Mach 4?

    These boards are compatible with Mach3 only at this time. We will be adding a Mach4 board in the near future.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Are the 3 axis electronics combos with the Mach 3 USB breakout board compatible with Mach 4?

  • I am wiring my breakout board and it has a USB port on it. Is the USB port there to supply the 5 volt power to it?

    For our parallel breakout board (https://www.buildyourcnc.com/item/electronicsAndMotors-parallel-breakout-relay#prettyPhoto/2/) the schematic will show the connections going from the BB to the drivers. The parallel breakout board uses the 25 pin parallel connection to communicate from the computer to drivers, and the USB is used to power the main-board itself, supplying 5V.

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    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I am wiring my breakout board and it has a USB port on it. Is the USB port there to supply the 5 volt power to it?

  • What power supply do you recommend for the spindle and limit switches if I buy the USB Mach3 breakout board?

    Any of the following power supplies will be fine for powering the Mach3 USB controller:

    however, the limit switches do not need high current, so the following power supply is sufficient for the task of connecting limit switches:

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    What power supply do you recommend for the spindle and limit switches if I buy the USB Mach3 breakout board?


    If your computer does not have a parallel port, all you will need is a low cost PCI parallel adapter card (these can be found on amazon for $15-$20). If you plan on using a laptop (not recommended) you can try to find a PCMCIA parallel adapter, but many people have frequent issues with this setup. A more expensive solution would be to purchase a USB smooth stepper board. Unfortunately, we do not supply any of these adapters and cannot attest to their reliability.

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    ur gay

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  • Will the Mach 3 USB breakout board work with a Windows 7 64 bit system?

    I don't see why Mach3 under windows 64-bit wouldn't work with an interface that uses USB as it's primary communication method. I am a bit vague on this, so I will do more research on it.

    We recommend Mach3 run under Windows 32-bit when using the parallel interface as this is a legacy function.

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    mach 3 usb board setup

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    I am running Mach3 under Windows 7 Pro 64bit without any problems.

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    Are you also able to use the parallel port as your controller on the WINDOWS 7 64bit OS?

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    Are you also able to use the parallel port as your controller on the WINDOWS 7 64bit OS?

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    Are you also able to use the parallel port as your controller on the WINDOWS 7 64bit OS?

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    Are you also able to use the parallel port as your controller on the WINDOWS 7 64bit OS?

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    Will the Mach 3 USB breakout board work with a Windows 7 64 bit system?

  • I recently purchesed a USB Mach3 breakout board and need help setting mach3 to use a relay to start the router can you show how to set the pins and which port to use on the board to attached the relay?

    Sure, connect O2 (output #2) on your mach3 USB board to the GND side of your relay coil. Connect the 24V power supply to the positive side of your 24v relay.

    You will want to connect a flyback diode (1N4007) between the coil connections to make sure the coil back current does not damage the Mach3 USB board.

    Refer to this diagram:

    Please let me know if this helps and if you need further guidance.


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    I recently purchesed a USB Mach3 breakout board and need help setting mach3 to use a relay to start the router can you show how to set the pins and which port to use on the board to attached the relay?

  • I have wired the step motors with the USB breakout board. When I jog the y axis it travels in the wrong direction. How do i switch the motors rotation?

    For the USB controller and reversing the rotation for a motor, you would need to do this in the software (planet-cnc). In the configuration, you will need to reverse the direction by inverting the direction output.

    Technically, the motor changes direction when the direction signal changes from a high to a low, or vice verse. For instance, the motor turns in one direction when the direction signal is, say, low. The motor will turn in the other direction when the direction signal is high. High is 5v and low is 0v or gnd.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I have wired the step motors with the USB breakout board. When I jog the y axis it travels in the wrong direction. How do i switch the motors rotation?

  • Is there a wiring diagram for hooking up your hex inverter between your USB breakout board and the controller?

    The use of the hex inverter in the application to invert a direction signal to have a motor run in the reverse directions is relatively simple.

    First, go to this link and look at the chip diagram:

    Connect 5V from the USB interface tothe VCC pin. The pin on the keyboard jog header can be used. Connect the GND pin from the USB interface to the GND pin on the hex inverter. Connect the CW terminal from the USB interface to the 1A pin on the hex inverter. Connect the 1Y pin from the hex inverter to the driver.

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    I got a question??? I am a dummy when it comes to cnc. I got 6040 1500kw water cold engraver 3 axis from china. I can not get anything out of them pertaining help they keep telling me the same thing over and over and over and I'm doing it and send them pictures that I know. Anyway email me a wiring diagram for the PRT 1500 watt spindle motor control box and has the emergency stop on and off switch manual PC and of course yhe screanm fultonsbusiness@gmail.com

    Additional Information:
    I got a question??? I am a dummy when it comes to cnc. I got 6040 1500kw water cold engraver 3 axis from china. I can not get anything out of them pertaining help they keep telling me the same thing over and over and over and I'm doing it and send them pictures that I know. Anyway email me a wiring diagram for the PRT 1500 watt spindle motor control box and has the emergency stop on and off switch manual PC and of course yhe screanm fultonsbusiness@gmail.com

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    Is there a wiring diagram for hooking up your hex inverter between your USB breakout board and the controller?


    Sure, the USB interface has a place for 4 axes of limit switches.

    Each axis can have two limit switches: one for the ++ (positive) end and one for the -- (negative) end. The positive end would be the limit switch at the end of the machine that, say the machine has a 4'x8' area, reaches a bit after the 8 foot mark. The negative end would be the limit switch behind the 0 foot location behind the origin. If the origin is in the middle, the negative would be at a little more than the -4 foot end and the positive would be at a bit more than the +4 foot end. Note that you can have more than one switch on each pin where the NC is connected in serial fashion and the NO is connected in parallel fashion (this can be seen on the diagram in the multiple limits switch section). The software configurations for the limits switches are under File -> Settings -> Limit.

    A typical limit switch has three connections on it. These connections consist of COM (common), NC (normally closed) and NO (normally open). The COM would generally go to GND and the NC or the NO would go to the pin. If the NC is used, then the the switch is constantly connected until the switch is pushed (engaged) then the connection from the pin to gnd is broken (open). Use the settings in software to set whether in NC or NO configuration.

    Let me know if this information was helpful (or not) by adding information to this question. Thanks.

    User response:
    Thank you very much for this helpful information. I'm still a little fuzzy on how the 6 limit switches physically connect to each other and to the USB breakout board. You've stated one switch (home) goes to positive and another switch (limit) goes to negative. Are all the GND prongs from all 6 switches connected to each other and going to GND on the breakout board, or no? And the NC prongs, how exactly are they connected to each other? And to the board? There has to be a diagram somewhere shows this visually, no? I don't know how to wire the switches in series or in parallel. I have already physically installed all the switches on the machine and ran the wires to where the board is. Now I just need to know where to plug these wires into the board. Also, taking into consideration that I'm using the Planet CNC software, the only settings I have pertaining to limit switches is "Enable/Disable" for each axis, and the actual limit for each axis. Nothing about NC or NO. Is that only in Mach3?
    Thank you.

    buildyourcnc response:
    On the USB interface, the COM on the switch connects to GND and the NC or NO connects to the input pin (i.e. x++, y--, etc.)

    Limit switch configuration is rather difficult to understand, especially with series and parallel. You can think of series as a single wire going from GND to the axis letter input terminal (i.e. X++ or X--). If the wire is broken, then the circuit is open (or the switch is engaged in a normally closed scenario). Normally closed is like an actual wire, and when engaged, the switch "opens" (breaks the wire). This is why we recommend in some systems that you can put many switches in series on a single pin. When one of the switches is engaged (breaking the connection) then the entire circuit of switches is broken and the machine stops.

    In a parallel scenario, the state of the circuit is always broken until the one of the switches is engaged and the circuit is then closed or connected. The topology looks like a ladder. All the switches connect to both sides of the ladder and the switches are like the runs of the ladder (the horizontal bars that the feet are placed while climbing). Imagine all of the switches broken in this scenario (normally open). It would be like the ladder could be split in two, but if one of the ladder runs (switches) is closed by engaging it, then that run would connect both sides of the ladder and the two sides of the ladder would have a connection.

    There is a diagram on the USB page of the various limit switch configurations. If you need more information (visual and/or otherwise), please let us know and we will immediately add that information to benefit everyone.

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  • Will the USB breakout board work with Mach3?

    Our newer USB board will work with Mach3 and can be found here at this URL:


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    Mach3 breakout board including software

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Will the USB breakout board work with Mach3?

  • Will the USB breakout board control 4 axis?

    The USB breakout board can control up to a 4th axis.

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    Will the USB breakout board control 4 axis?

  • Will Mach3 USB Interface board fit in my redleaf, in lieu of the breakout board that came with it?

    The Mach3 USB board will fit in the redLeaf, but you may need to modify the Plexiglas top for proper mounting. However, the redLeaf has the proper parallel GPIO on the motherboard for use with the Parallel breakout board. If you have a laser on the machine you are using, then I would urge you to maintain the parallel breakout board as the Mach3 USB board will not work correctly using the Z-direction pin and you will need to determine how to use the output pins onthe USB board to ensure proper laser functionality.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Will Mach3 USB Interface board fit in my redleaf, in lieu of the breakout board that came with it?

  • What is the relay coil on the USB motion card for?

    A 24V connection to the USB motion card is only needed if you are using limit switches (inputs), powering the spindle/VFD speed and direction, and for the outputs, for powering other devices (mist, coolant, etc.).

    If you are using a VFD (Variable Frequency Drive, also called Inverter) for a spindle, they typically have a 24V out terminal that can be used with our USB motion card. If you are not using a spindle/VFD (we highly recommend one), then you will need to purchase a 24v power supply to power that side of the board.

    The outputs mentioned above are to connect to external devices and will require a relay (a mechanical switch that is controlled by a digital signal). This mechanical switch can turn on a device like coolant and mist, or even a router, if you are using one. A relay is required to turn on these devices because the devices are typically higher voltage, like mains (110v or 220v). So, a relay can turn on or off a high voltage device with a lower voltage (24v) signal.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    What is the relay coil on the USB motion card for?

  • [65] So do you need a 24 volt power supply on the USB breakout board or can you use the 5 volt side ?

    To use the inputs and outputs on the MAch3 USB controller, you will need at least a 12 VDC power supply inte 24V terminal (V+) and the DCM terminal (V-). The common lead of the limit switch will be connected to DCM (V-) and the NO (Normally Open ) lead of the limit switch will be connected to the Input of your choice (IN1 - IN4).

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    [65] So do you need a 24 volt power supply on the USB breakout board or can you use the 5 volt side ?

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