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Autodesk Inventor/CAM/CNC Workflow - Part 9: Convert the new assembly to a DXF and start CAMing
In this tutorial series we will be exploring how to use Autodesk Inventor along with CAM software (CAMBAM) to create CNC parts.


In part 9 of the series we will be converting the assembly to a DXF file and applying CAM operations.

We're going to take the assembly and create a new document. Select "New" under the main menu and "Drawing". Now you have a blank drawing file open. We're going to remove the border and the title block. We want to make the size to be 4 feet by 8 feet to match the size of the sheet we'll be using.

To put the parts on the actual sheet we're going to use the "Base" icon. From there you will see a drawing view dialog box. You will select the file you want to use for the sheet. We select "Top" Orientation. Also make sure you scale is set at 1:1 to ensure your parts are the correct size. Also under the "Style" diagram you want to make sure there are no hidden lines. Now we press ok and we can see our parts on the sheet.

Since we're using CAMBAM as our CAM program, we're going to save this file as an AutoCAD 2000 .dxf file. Click "Save" and "Save Copy As" then select options and select DXF then click options again and make sure your file version is AutoCAD 2000. Now save the file into the appropriate file.

Next we will open up CAMBAM and load the file. Now we can see the design on the CAMBAM interface. The first thing we want to do is select the two holes on the mount. We'll select them and select the "Drill" option. We're going to do two drill operations because we want to do a roughing pass and a finishing pass. We've created styles to do what we want them to do. We select the style and select the presets"A-Roughing" and "A-finishing" to represent the parameters we have changed. You can create as many styles as you want derived from the default blank style.

Now when we view the holes and select Drill 1 it will select the holes on the inside and when we select Drill 2 it will select the holes on the outside. We do this to make sure we are cutting a very little bit of material so the circle will be perfect when it is complete.

Click Here for the Next Part in the Series

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