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Step 28: The X and Z Motor Wire Connections
This tutorial is dated, if you are considering a CNC for your personal use, we would highly recommend purchasing a kit that is very stable from our wide range of machines available. Why have one, when you can have two for the price of one. Really, I don't think I could do another wire soldering video, but there is some good instructional material here. Otherwise, I wouldn't waste your time.

Remember the hook method from the previous video? I'm doing it again, but with a little more detail. In addition, I do it with a little more efficiency. First, I connect all the wires at one time, then I solder them, like simple mass production. Then I heat shrink the connections, just like the last one. I will also show an interesting method of stripping the insulation of my sprinkler wire. I meant this website to be very detailed and cater to the layman, but still inform the design/mechanical savvy viewer. I just ask the latter for a little patients.

To put this all in perspective, this video completed the simple wire connections from the motor to the longer cable that will eventually be connected to the driver. I will have some very important cautionary information when the driver connections are posted. After the driver connections are made, some can quit there, if your lazy and like living on the edge. I wouldn't suggest it, however. If limit and home switches are not implemented, the CNC structure can be put past it's physical limits. In other words, you can break the machine.

Thereafter, I will start with the software applications and g-code. Yes, I'm gonna make all of you programmers to foster the efficiency in you. I will also get into 3D design and conversion techniques. My occupation as an architect and urban designer may actually be helpful in this realm. Stay tuned. Also, keep an eye on the Bill of Materials as it will change over time and include more specificity.

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